About the Association of Cambridge Mediators

The Association of Cambridge Mediators arranges mediations and provides mediators to people who are involved in a dispute which is in, or is likely to lead to, litigation. We will also arrange mediation schemes for organisations which find themselves repeatedly in disputes and, from time to time, offer public and in-house mediation-related training courses.

The Association is a member of the Civil Mediation Council and is accredited by the CMC as a Mediation Service Provider which meets its standards in terms of adequate mediator training, code of conduct, supervision and monitoring, insurance, efficient administration and allocation of mediators.

The Association is accredited by the Ministry of Justice as a Mediation Service Provider which meets its standards in terms of adequate mediator training, code of conduct, supervision and monitoring, insurance, efficient administration and allocation of mediators, for Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire, Essex, Hertfordshire, Norfolk, Northamptonshire and Suffolk. Although those counties are our "core territory", many of our mediators are happy to travel further afield.

We are committed to high quality internal standards and continuing personal development of our mediators. All members of the Association's panel are experienced mediators, have been individually accredited as mediators by a recognised awarding body (such as CEDR, ADR Group or the Institute of Chartered Arbitrators) and carry appropriate insurance. In addition to this, all Panel Members have satisfactorily completed at least two assessed mediations within the ACM framework.

Our panel includes lawyers as well as people with senior level experience in both the public and private sectors.

If you want to get your dispute resolved, please contact us.

"Showed real regard for everyone in the room which truly helped have a balanced discussion."


"She has a very gentle, and yet professional style, which creates trust and rapport very quickly. Her non-judgemental and empathetic listening skills are second to none."


"Very tactful.  Impressed.  John Byrne did a good job … a new experience for me with this legal dispute that [had] gone on for far too long."
